
魏进莉*, 李丽芳*, 于学斌**
北京市花木有限公司花卉研究所, 北京100093

通信作者: 于学斌;E-mail: tiit@126.com;Tel: 010-62593622

摘 要:

以紫叶狼尾草(Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’)的茎尖或带腋芽的节间为外植体材料, 进行了组培快繁技术的实验研究, 建立了离体快繁技术体系。结果表明, 以MS+6-BA 1.0 mg•L-1+IBA 0.5 mg•L-1为较适宜的外植体诱导丛生芽的培养基; 以MS+6-BA 1.5 mg•L-1+NAA 0.1 mg•L-1+IBA 0.5 mg•L-1为最佳继代增殖培养基, 增殖系数达6.5; 以1/2MS+NAA 0.5 mg•L-1+IBA 0.5 mg•L-1为最佳生根培养基, 生根率100%; 将生根组培苗移栽炼苗, 30 d后成活率达98%以上。

关键词:观赏草; 紫叶狼尾草; 节间; 丛生芽; 组织培养

收稿:2015-01-08   修定:2015-01-21

资助:国家现代农业科技城产业培育专项(Z13110500330000)。 * 共同第一作者。 ** 通讯作者

Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’

WEI Jin-Li*, LI Li-Fang*, YU Xue-Bin**
Flower Research Institute, Beijing Florascape Co., Ltd., Beijing 100093, China

Corresponding author: WEI Jin-Li; E-mail: tiit@126.com; Tel: 010-62593622


The study used stem tips and internodes with axillary buds as the explants, conducted the research of tissue culture techniques in Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’ propagation, and established the rapid propagation system in vitro. The results indicated that MS+6-BA 1.0 mg•L-1+IBA 0.5 mg•L-1 was the suitable medium for explants induction of cluster buds; MS+6-BA 1.5 mg•L-1+NAA 0.1 mg•L-1+IBA 0.5 mg•L-1 was the optimizing medium for multipropagation, the multiplication coefficient could reach up to 6.5; 1/2MS+NAA 0.5 mg•L-1+IBA 0.5 mg•L-1 was the best medium for rooting, the rooting rate could reach to 100%. After 30 days transplanted into greenhouse, the survival rate of young plants were over 98%.

Key words: ornamental grasses; Pennisetum setaceum ‘Rubrum’; internode; multiple shoot clumps; tissue culture

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